Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Society Anxiety

Yeah 2 posts today. Work must be going really well....
The advantages of joining a specialist society are many and manifold when modelling in the specialist finescale scales wether it be 4mm, 2mm, 3mm or 7mm.
So in my case it's either the EM gauge Society or the Scalefour Society. Both Societies cater for modellers in both EM and P4. You will not be surprised to hear that I've been a member of both before in previous years.
Both are excellent resources for the finsecale modeller with handbooks to guide you through the construction of trackwork and converting ready to run locos and stock to the relative gauges. Even going so far as to develop products for the finescale modeller.
So which will it be? I was a member of the EMGS as recently as last year and for that reason I'll probably join the S4 society.
The reasoning behind this convoluted logic is this. As good as the EMGS is, it's not "overseas friendly". If you want to join up from the USA you have to get an international money order from your bank which the last time I looked that costed money and was subject to a minimum fee. That might have been $20 I forget now. So an extra $20 on top of my membership fee. I'm not so happy about that. The society said they were going to change the payment method but that hasn't materialised yet. So when my last renewal came around I let it lapse. Sorry EMGS.
The Scalefour Society however I can pay by credit card.
Joining the Scalefour society is further fuel to the fire of modelling in P4...

(Update: at 4pm central time I joined the Scalefour Society)

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