Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Field Trip!

Anytime you can find a return plane ticket between the USA and the UK for under $1000 you snap it up. So I did.
Got to wait 6 months for the flight mind. But for sure one thing I will be doing will be heading up to Saltfleet Haven and taking some pictures for atmosphere.
We arrive August Bank Holiday weekend. Well it'll be raining then. global warming or no global warming. One thing you can be fairly sure of is rain on August Bank Holiday. We even used to plan the Mablethorpe & District Model Railway Club Exhibition for August Bank Holiday Monday because of the rain and folks wouldn't be on the beach. Didn't we Yan?


  1. Those days of the M&DMRC and the exibitions were good ones, very enjoyable. If you want some company while on the field trip give me a shout.....it would be good to meet up again.

    Did you ever receive the photos I took?

  2. Photo's? I'd forgotten about those.
    No I never did receive them.
    We'll have to see what we can do about a meet up some time in September.

  3. $1000.
    The going rate appears to be about £350.
    E.g. Virgin Manchester-NY £361.

  4. Try Cheapoair.com. Odd name, dirt cheap tickets, though sometimes you don't get to choose your airline. Most of the time the mystery carrier turns out to be British Airways...
